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New year, new technologies... ...New services!

As a RF specialist company, Sobatech Group has acquired new technologies for wireless audio services. This is part of strategic investment from Sobatech to offer to the customers a full solution for wireless broadcast services around the globe.

After deep analysis about the current market and seeing our customers needs, Sobatech has decided to acquire Wisycom technologies.

Wisycom offers a durable, flexible, reliable and practical products. With a lot of experience in live shows and broadcasting.

As a part of our philosophy, Sobatech has stablished a good technical relationship with the manufacturer, with a full technical support on field and test. With this, Sobatech can offer first class world wide services with our Wisycom Equipment.

Rugged systems

The equipment from Wisycom is rugged, and offers a really high audio quality, the Wisycom Expander is really good. In terms of RF, the high sensibility of the receivers makes this system reliable for long distances with less power. This will means a special care should be taken to avoid interferences, in this way, a 25MHz programable filters has added in the system. Wisycom is also ready for the future, and the wide bandwidth of this systems will allow to use it in the incoming years, ready for the new spectrum roadmap in Europe.

Sobatech launch this service offering to our customer a flexible system for live broadcasting in motorsport:


  • 2 reporter systems with huge coverage area, with low power body-pack transmitters and PTT enabled to COMS output.

  • 1 floor manager with full duplex communication with the MCR and HQ.

  • Wireless camera intercom with broadcast audio quality for all wireless cameras provided by Sobatech too.

  • 4 Assistants with body-pack receivers and Morotola DMR radios.

For this setup 2 external sites over optical fiber were used, and another one in the MCR.

General Layout

...from Sobatech Group, we wish you merry Christmas, and a wireless New Year !!!

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